Special Career Guidance Course

4 Hours



Understand the advantages of learning Japanese. Learn the kaizen concept and how to implement that in your personal school life. 

A special crash course designed for professionals and students who are interested in Japanese language , culture , innovations, technology, food, music, animation and travel.

This is a special course designed for students who are interested in Japanese language , culture , innovations, technology, food, music, animation or travel.

Your coach Mr. Rajesh Vaidya has been living in Japan for 25 years and is extremely  passionate  towards Japanese culture. First 15 years he worked as an IT engineer in top Investment banks and now became a serial entrepreneur. 


 Call : 996968291 or send a whatsapp message.

 Basic Japanese Phrases To Survive in Japan

     #1 Konnichiwa (こんにちは) – Hello
    #2 Ohayou gozaimasu (おはようございます) – Good morning
    #3 Konbanwa (こんにちは) – Good evening
    #4 Moshi moshi (もしもし) – Hello (but only if you’re on the phone or something like Skype)
    #5 Ogenki desu ka? (お元気ですか) – How are you?
    #6 Genki desu (元気です) – I’m good/I’ve been doing well, thanks
    #7 Ohisashiburi desu ne (お久しぶりですね) – Long time no see
    #8 _______–san mo? (______-さんも?) – And you? (Hint: fill in the blank with your friend’s name. This is a great response to things like “How are you?” because you can say, “I’m good! And you?”)
    #9 Namae wa nan desu ka? (名前は何ですか) – What’s your name?
    #10 Watashi no namae wa _____ desu (私の名前は__です) – My name is ______
    #11 Doko kara kimashita ka? (どこから来ましたか) – Where are you from?
    #12 Watashi wa ______ kara kimashita (私は__から来ました) – I’m from __________.
    #13 Sou desu ka? (そうですか) – Is that so?/Really?/I see (Hint: this is a great thing to say after learning where someone is from, what they do, or other facts about their life.)
    #14 Arigatou gozaimasu (ありがとうございます) – Thank you
    #15 Douitashimashite (どういたしまして) – You’re welcome
    #16 Sumimasen (すみません) – I’m sorry/excuse me (Hint: you can use this for anything from apologising for stumbling into someone on the train to asking for help or asking for people to move out of your way.)
    #17 Gomen nasai (ごめんなさい) – I’m sorry (Hint: didn’t we already cover “I’m sorry”? Gomen nasai is less “excuse me” and more “I’m truly sorry from the bottom of my heart.” Use it if you knocked something over and broke it, not if you interrupted someone’s stroll to ask for directions.)
    #18 Yoroshiku onegaishimasu (よろしくおねがいします) – I’m in your debt! (Hint: this one isn’t used in its literal sense most of the time; it’s a way to say “thank you” to someone you are counting on or indebted to. For example, if you're starting out at a new job in Japan, you might introduce yourself and then add this at the end. You might also use it if you’ve asked someone a favour, such as to show you around or give you directions.)
    #19 Itadakimasu (いただきます) – Let’s dig in (Hint: say this before meals as a way to politely say you’re going to begin enjoying your food.)
    #20 Gochisousama deshita (ごちそうさまでした) – That was delicious (Hint: say this after meals as a way to say thank you.)
    #21 Eigo te iu no wa… (英語ていうのは) – And in English, that’s…?
    #22 Wakarimasen (わかりません) – I don’t understand
    #23 Shirimasen (知りません) – I don’t know
    #24 Wasuremashita (忘れました) – I forgot
    #25 Motto yukkuri kudasai (もっとゆっくり下さい) – Please go a little slower
    #26 Mou ichido kudasai (もう一度下さい) – Could you say that one more time?
    #27 Nihongo de perapera de wa nai desu (日本語でペラペラではないです) – I’m not very fluent in Japanese (Hint: you’re speaking Japanese already! So you can’t say “I don’t know Japanese at all,” right?)
    #28 ___ te iu no imi wa nan desu ka? (__ていうの意味は何ですか) – What does _____ mean?
    #29 Tetsudatte kuremasen ka? (手伝ってくれませんか) – Can you help me?
    #30 Doko desu ka? (どこですか) – Where is it?
    #31 Itsu desu ka? (いつですか) – When is it?
    #32 Doushite? (どうして) – Why?
    #33 Dochira desu ka? (どちらですか) – Which one is it?
    #34 Nan desu ka? (何ですか) – What is it?
    #35 Dare desu ka? (だれですか) – Who is it?
    #36 Ima nanji desu ka? (今何時ですか) – What time is it right now?
    #37 Ima (今) – Now
    #38 Ato de (後で) – Later
    #39 Kyou (今日) – Today
    #40 Kinou (昨日) – Yesterday
    #41 Ashita (明日) – Tomorrow
    #42 Mainichi (毎日) – Everyday
    #43 Nansai desu ka? (何歳ですか) – How old are you?
    #44 Doko ni sundeimasu ka? (どこに住んでいますか) – Where do you live?
    #45 Kyoudai ga imasu ka? (兄弟がいますか) – Do you have siblings?
    #46 Ikura desu ka? (いくらですか) – How much does that cost?
    #47 Kore wa nan desu ka? (これはなんですか) – What is this?
    #48 Sore wa nan desu ka? (それはなんですか) – What is that?
    #49 Are we nan desu ka? (あれはなんですか) – What is that? (Hint: Use “kore” when something is close to you, “sore” when something is away from you but close to the person you’re speaking to, and “are” when something is far away from both of you.)
    #50 Toire wa doko desu ka? (トイレはどこですか) – Where’s the toilet?
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